Wow! Mac is already 9 months old! I can't believe how the time has just flown by. He is such a bundle of joy to have in our lives. He is ALWAYS smiling and dancing. Boy, can he dance! The minute any kind of jingle comes on the tv, he starts to either sway his upper body or start bouncing. He is so cute! He has also hit some more milestones. He now has 2 bottom teeth with the top teeth starting to show a little bit. He just got his 2nd haircut... yes, I said 2nd haircut. His hair grows faster than anything I've seen. He got his first haircut on March 6th and his 2nd haircut on April 18th. Emily Gentry Spears, who cut his hair the 2nd time, said that it was her first time to have to layer a 9 month olds hair... muchless a boy! How crazy is that!?! I didn't even get my hair layered until I was in high school... haha. Anyway, Mac is already starting to walk with one of his rolling toys. He crawls all over the place, pulls up on anything sturdy or unsturdy he can find and walks anywhere he can walk while holding on to something. My husband started walking at 10 months old, but I'm thinking Mac may beat him. Easter was such a joy because not only did we celebrate our Savior's resurrection, but we got to do it as our own little family this year! We took some family pictures with my little man in his all linen suit! He was so handsome! We also got him his first wagon, which he loves to go riding in! And, he had his first trip to play at the park! I hope you enjoy the pictures below as you get to see my love grow!