Really? Really? Can Mac really be 10 months already? I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? I cannot express how much I LOVE being a mommy... even though he won't say "mama", but says "dada" all the time... haha! Mac is all over the place. He crawls faster than most people walk and he's getting really close to walking on his own. He can walk just fine holding just one hand and when he doesn't realize it, he has taken up to 4 steps on his own. However, he immediately hits the ground to crawl once he notices that nobody is holding him. He has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth. He wakes up smiling and stays that way for most of the day. He loves to be outside and got in the pool with Mommy and Daddy for the first time on May 14th. He loved to splash the water with his hands. He continues to love riding in his wagon and it's always a great way for him to spend time with his friends... haha! Of course, he still loves to dance. He will stop whatever he is doing when he hears any type of music, even a commercial's jingle. Mac also recently attended his first baseball game and watched Barbe beat North Shore to advance to the quarter-finals. Probably the highlight of the past month was experiencing my first Mother's Day!!! I feel so blessed by God to grant me such an amazing son and allow me the joy of being a Mommy!!!
he's just precious! I like his onesie... My mom's the bomb! You are a super mom!