Half a year!!! Where has the time gone!?! We have hit many milestones this past month! Mac is now rolling over; however he only will roll over from back to tummy. Dr. Wallace said that he can roll over from tummy to back because it's easier, but just doesn't have a need to (especially with all of us at his beck and call). He's already starting the crawl process because he bends and straightens his legs nonstop while on his tummy, but he just hasn't gotten the whole push up with arms part. He started sitting up (upper left picture) and can hold it while playing for quite a long time. It's so cute to watch him because if he starts to fall he'll try to catch himself. He's such a joy to have in our lives! I made it nursing exclusively for 6 months, so now it's time to start introducing cereal. Mac didn't like the cereal at first, but we didn't mix it with any baby food, so I don't blame him. Once we mixed in some vegetables, he ate it like he had been eating for months. I'm quite surprised he ate it at all because my husband bought the organic, whole grain, brown rice cereal... yuk! Mac attends "school" every day (lower left picture). His "school" is the Your Baby Can Read video series. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pretty cool videos of him in a few months. He will not be able to wait for his first birthday to get a haircut (lower right picture) because his hair is so long! When pulled down in the front it hits below his nose and in the back it falls below his collar. I cannot wait any longer Anyway, Mac is ALWAYS smiling! He never seems to meet a stranger! He has the best temperment! He is extremely ticklish! And he is FULL of love!
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